We’re sure you know this already, but there is a ton of information out there about website design. There’s so much info, in fact, that it’s grown tough to tell which fact about web design is legit versus facts that are more or less out of date with today’s world.

We’d like to clear the air of some of the biggest lies about proper website design. At the same time, we hope some of these debunked myths will point you in the right direction of maintaining the best possible website for your company via some truths as well.

True or false: Looks are all that matter

False! Although appearance does matter in one aspect, it’s not all that matters. What good is a beautiful looking website if it loads too slowly or is too hard to navigate? What’s the point of putting all your money into how something looks if the content isn’t relevant to what your audience is looking for?

No matter how pretty a website is, if it offers nothing else to visitors, expect the bounce rate to be sky high and the traffic—and sales—to go directly to your competitors.

True or false: Mobile responsiveness is a big part of good design

True. More than 40% of traffic to a website is coming from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. This indicates that responsiveness in website design is more important than ever. Even Google has come to understand its importance, and counts it as a big factor when indexing websites.

If your website is only responsive on a desktop, it’s time to reconsider your strategy and get professional help to improve responsiveness on mobile devices.

True or false: You don’t need content to design a website

False! Many web designers insert dummy text to get a wireframe developed, but the thing about dummy text is that it makes the website look…well…like you’re a dummy. It also makes you look like content is only secondary as a requirement for a good website. The truth is people do search online for content, and they will seek out content that is of high quality. They’re not actively looking for a pretty website that only features dummy text.

This is why we keep repeating the phrase “content is king”, because it’s the truth. If you don’t have quality content for your visitors, they’ll go to your competition instead.

True or false: Updates to a website should be done often

True. Updating a website is a continual process, one that follows the trends of web design and development. An update to your website design should ideally happen every 2-3 years to ensure it is responsive and fully operational. This is because any new design trend evolves with the various new devices and web browsers being created also.

True or false: The home page is the most important page on my website

False. While this may have been the case ten, maybe even twenty years ago, the way we browse and the way we use the Internet have changed drastically over time. Back then, the home page was the main directory to find the other services pages. Now, the home page serves one purpose only: to direct you to the content you need, no matter what it may be.

While there’s nothing wrong with a well-designed and well-functioning home page, it is not the most important page on your website to focus all your attention on. Show some love to your main services pages!

True or false: E-mail marketing integrated with my website helps with design

True. E-mail and search continue to be the most wide-spread approach to browsing the Internet. As great as social media is, ignoring e-mail marketing entirely will mean you lose several interested visitors to your competition. When done right, e-mailed newsletters can keep your visitors invested in your company.

True or false: Social media buttons are not needed on my website

False. Just like with e-mail, social media is well worth the time spent connecting to each network. Why? Because it improves traffic to your website and it helps your website rank better on search engines. Having the buttons connecting to each network on your website ensures your service is just a click away.

True or false: Free sites always come with a catch

Very true. Many of the freebie site templates we’ve come across fail to properly build a brand and spread a ton of advertising across their entire website. The domain names also do not properly reflect the business’s name or even reputation.

The worst of it is you don’t control your website—the company you signed up with does. This is why we are not a fan of Yellow Pages and insist on getting a professional to look after your website’s design and development.

We hope you feel more enlightened from this post! If your mind has been blown and you’ve realized you need a redesign for your website pronto, give us a call at V3 Media. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions about these truths and lies as well!