We are firm believers that website development and design is best left to the professionals. That being said, if you have enough advanced knowledge, information, and skill, there’s no reason not to pursue DIY web development if you think you have what it takes to build your own website and online blog.

For those on the fence about the subject, here’s what you need to know about DIY web development versus what we, as the professionals, have to offer.

The Top Pro of DIY: It’s All Under YOUR Control

The number one perk of DIY web development is that everything from start to finish is under your control and no one else’s. Those who feel truly confident in building their website from scratch know how to build their website the way they see fit. They’re the ones creating their own templates, creating their own content, building their own brand, optimizing their website with on-page SEO – you name it, they’re probably doing it.

In that regard we tip our hats to these website builders, because being in this industry for the past 25 years has taught us there’s lots to learn about the Internet and websites that’s always being reinvented. It takes dedication, talent, and commitment to building your own website.

By choosing DIY web development, you also have control over the budget you’re looking to spend on the theme and the options provided to you. With the right skills, you can also oversee the kind of plugins and coding you want featured in the overall design and content. There’s also a sense of flexibility to building your own website; you can make it look the way you want, and make some adjustments if you’ve changed your mind about the way it looks.

Why We Recommend the Professional Touch

As great as it is to do everything yourself, it has its severe downsides as well as its upsides. It’s easy enough to pick out a website theme, but what about hosting? And do you have enough time for maintenance? Do you know what to do if a technical problem occurs such as broken links? If these are areas you are not so familiar with, it may be best to hand the tasks over to a professional.

Some domain companies also provide you with the tools needed to create your own website…for a price. The price in some cases is that you personally don’t own your website – the company you sign up with does. The other downside is that the templates these companies may offer to you do not fit your brand or needs and look exactly like the rest of your competition. Really think carefully before following through with signing a contract with these companies, because odds are if you don’t want to deal with them anymore, brace yourself for an uphill struggle that is guaranteed to waste your time and money.

DIY is also not recommended if your time spent with your company is set aside in order to build the website yourself. After all, DIY web development is extremely time-consuming – especially if this is your first website building project. Updating websites, making sure every link works, and keeping blog content up to date and relevant is no easy feat if you don’t know what you’re doing. Not everyone is a great writer also – there is a big difference between being able to communicate verbally over the telephone versus being able to write a web page or a blog post. For every strength you may have, it’s important to remember your weakness also and if that weakness involves building, updating, and maintaining a website or blog over the long-term, a professional’s touch is more than recommended – it’s essential.

The Bottom Line

Although DIY website and blog building can be tough, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Some companies such as First Site Guide offer some handy resources and information for those interested in learning more about developing their website or blog on their own, as well as updating them both on a regular basis. Remember though that for the more technical aspects such as hosting, maintenance, and advanced technical support, there’s no better way to have that managed stress-free than to give us at V3 Media a call. We’ll take the hard part off of your shoulders so you have more time to spend on what really matters: your business.